

Monday, July 8, 2013

There Can Be Only One...

A long-time fan from Poland sent me this fantastic drawing and I just had to share because I love it so!


Sant said...

Always at Your service, Your Highness :)

T-Fuzz said...

The resemblance is uncanny. this is great!

Jan Kåre said...

Very nice, i can definitely see the similar :) I love it

Anonymous said...

As her Majesty's Knight of Knits I must say: absolutely well done! But what is in your mind concerning the Threads innher hands??

Sweater Queen said...

Ropes can always come in handy to secure myself some "entertainment" during those long lonely nights in the castle! ;)

Sant said...

Her Majesty was just ready to "pay" the artist ;)

Sweater Queen said...

Exactly Sant! hehe

I ALWAYS return a kindness... in my own way of course! *wink*

Anonymous said...

Ready to serve You my Sweater Queen, looking forward to meet the article in Your Royal hands ;)